Redpwn CTF 2021 Simultaneity writeup


This years redpwn started on the 9th of july, and ran through from 8PM BST till 8PM on the 12th. This was really fun, and I really praise the organisers for creating the superb infrastructure and challenges that allowed me (and my team-mates or here) to toil away on these challenges. Cheers guys :).

This will be the first of (probably) a series of writeups for challenges in the pwn category of redpwnCTF 2021, disregarding the challenges I didn’t solve.



This challenge specifically was extremely difficult (for me). The vulnerability as you will see is very obvious. However exploitation is another matter that requires knowledge of some heap internals, and alot of guesswork on my part. With that out of the way, lets begin.

(The solution script is at the bottom as well as in the github folder, I forgot that in my last writeup.)


So whats up?

Well first things first, were provided with a libc and a linker. If we want to correctly emulate the challenge environment, we need to patch these into the program. You can do that like so:

patchelf ./simultaneity --set-interpreter ./ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 --replace-needed libc.so.6 ./libc.so.6 --output simultaneity1

Now you should have simultaneity1 which has the correct libc + linker. Something else to note is that the libc is stripped. There are quite a few ways to ‘unstrip’ a libc but I chose to download the debug symbols and simply use them with my gdb. To do this you can download the debug symbols that match the libc (you can get version info from a libc by running it), then extract them in the current directory:

wget http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian/pool/main/g/glibc/libc6-dbg_2.28-10_amd64.deb
mkdir dbg; dpkg -x libc6-dbg_2.28-10_amd64.deb ./dbg/

Now whenever you want to use these symbols in gdb, simply type: set debug-file-directory dbg/usr/lib/debug/ and you should (fingers crossed) have working symbols. Now we should be all set to take a look at the binary.

The program

Its pretty simple:


The program asks how big? and we can provide a size, it then spits out what looks like a main_arena heap address (from a heap that is aligned with the data segment). It then asks how far? and what?. It seems that the program is straight up giving us a thinly veiled write-what-where primitive, nice.

If we look at the decompiled code for main() we can confirm this:


(ignore my mutterings at the bottom lol) The program takes a size which is then passed to malloc(size) so we can control the size of an allocation. Then the program leaks the address of said allocation back to us. We can then specify another size/index that will then be multiplied by 8, then it will be added to the address of our allocation (long)alloc + size * 8). We then use the result of this addition and write into it an unsigned int/size_t.

Another cool thing about this (other than being given an extremely powerful exploit primitive) is that because the how far? part of the program takes a regular integer via __isoc99_scanf("%ld", &size) we can have a negative size/index. This, in turn means that we can not only write anywhere after our allocation, but also before.


Now i’ll talk about the approach I tried initially. My first thought was, could we overwrite some interesting stuff on the heap? Maybe one of functions left something there? However further inspection on the heap revealed that its just a barren wasteland.

pwndbg> heap
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x55555555a000
Size: 0x251 <------------------+
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE   +------------ Metadata :yawn:
Addr: 0x55555555a250
Size: 0x411 <------------------ scanf()'s allocation to store our input in full
Allocated chunk | PREV_INUSE   +------------ Our allocation
Addr: 0x55555555a660           |
Size: 0x21 <-------------------+

Top chunk | PREV_INUSE
Addr: 0x55555555a680
Size: 0x20981

Nothing interesting here, and nothing that could be easily exploited; i thought perhaps through some manipulation of the top we could allocate a chunk, perhaps with scanf (yes, scanf does this) somewhere it isn’t meant to be? As it turns out, scanf will allocate the temporary buffer before it recieves our input+writes it, so sadly there is no meddling we can do here, as no further allocations are made/free’d. Although under certain circumstances scanf() will free() the temporary buffer, so perhaps some opportunity exists there? I didn’t think about this too much, though.

I was quickly drawn to another idea. Whats in the .bss atm?


Not much, as you can see (and definitely nothing useful). My idea here was to overwrite some stuff and see what happened, did changing any of this stuff have any impact? Sadly no. I was quite confident that modifying the stdout@GLIBC would have some effect, as the FILE struct is pretty complicated. But it was to no avail.

So we have a seemingly hopeless situation where we have very little, if any opportunity to overwrite anything; we have a (basically useless) .text/heap leak and no (reliable) way to overwrite anything meaningful.

It was at this point where I became stuck for quite a while, and moved on to image-identifier. Only after finishing that and coming back did I realise what I had missed, on the last day of the CTF.

Gaining a (rather strong) foothold


I highlighted the important part. I neglected to fully consider the ability we have when controlling the size of an allocation. If we wanted, we could make malloc() fail and return a null pointer, but more importantly if an allocation is larger than the top chunk (aka, does not fit in the current heap) malloc() will use mmap() to allocate some memory that fits the size of said allocation (if it can provide enough memory, that is).

If we, for example allocate a chunk that is 1 larger that top (0x209a1+1) then we should be able to force malloc() to make our heap elsewhere. And sure enough:


Yep, the entire allocation has moved elsewhere. But where exactly?


Our allocation is between the main heap and libc (0x7ffff7deb000-0x7ffff7e0c000). The most important aspect of this is that there is no flux/influence of ASLR between our heap and all of libc. This means:

Now that we have easy access to libc, we need a place to write. I tried a couple things here; none of which worked, however overwriting __free_hook did.

__free_hook is a global function pointer in libc that when NULL does nothing however when populated with any values, upon free() it will detect that the pointer is not NULL and instead jump to it. This makes it ideal, as free(), and therefore __free_hook are used alot more than you would expect, and so there are alot of opportunities for RCE with this value. Hooks like this also exist for malloc() and realloc() functions, making it an extremely easy way to execute a one-gadget in a pinch.

We can work out the difference of __free_hook from our allocation, then divide that by 8, ensuring that when it eventually gets multiplied by 8 in our scanf("%zu",(void *)((long)alloc + size * 8))) we still come out with the same value:


We can then do a test run in gdb to make sure we are in fact writing to the correct location


And sure enough, yes.


We can see that we do write to __free_hook. However on entering a random value you’ll notice that we do not SEGFAULT before the _exit()


This can mean only one thing; our input is never allocated / is never free()‘d

Some scanf stuff

Since scanf() takes no length field, for all user input, even the stuff it doesnt care about (wrong format, wrong type, etc…) it has to take + store somehow. To do this it uses a ‘scratch’-buffer. This is a buffer that will store ALL the input from scanf(). This starts as a stack buffer, however will fallback to being a heap buffer if this stack buffer threatens to overflow:

/* Scratch buffers with a default stack allocation and fallback to
   heap allocation. [---snipped---]


This heap buffer is re-used whenever another call to scanf() comes via rewinding the buffer position back to the start, such that the space can be re-used:

/* Reinitializes BUFFER->current and BUFFER->end to cover the entire
   scratch buffer.  */
static inline void
char_buffer_rewind (struct char_buffer *buffer)
  buffer->current = char_buffer_start (buffer);
  buffer->end = buffer->current + buffer->scratch.length / sizeof (CHAR_T);

here and here

Whenever we want to add to this buffer, we need to call char_buffer_add(). This does a couple things. 1st it checks if we currently positioned at the end of our buffer, and if so it will take a ‘slow’ path. Otherwise it just adds a single character to the scratch buffer and moves on:

static inline void
char_buffer_add (struct char_buffer *buffer, CHAR_T ch)
  if (__glibc_unlikely (buffer->current == buffer->end))
    char_buffer_add_slow (buffer, ch);
    *buffer->current++ = ch;


As you would expect, the slow path is for when we run out of space in our stack buffer, (or our heap buffer) and will move our input in its entirety to the heap when the conditions are right

/* Slow path for char_buffer_add.  */
static void
char_buffer_add_slow (struct char_buffer *buffer, CHAR_T ch)
  if (char_buffer_error (buffer))
  size_t offset = buffer->end - (CHAR_T *) buffer->scratch.data;
  if (!scratch_buffer_grow_preserve (&buffer->scratch)) // <--------- important part is here
      buffer->current = NULL;
      buffer->end = NULL;
  char_buffer_rewind (buffer);
  buffer->current += offset;
  *buffer->current++ = ch;

If we delve a bit deeper we can actually find where exactly this allocation happens:

__libc_scratch_buffer_grow_preserve (struct scratch_buffer *buffer)
  size_t new_length = 2 * buffer->length;
  void *new_ptr;

  if (buffer->data == buffer->__space.__c) // If we are currently using the __space.__c buffer (stack buffer). This is the default for all inputs, initially.
      /* Move buffer to the heap.  No overflow is possible because
	 buffer->length describes a small buffer on the stack.  */
      new_ptr = malloc (new_length);
      if (new_ptr == NULL)
	      return false;
      memcpy (new_ptr, buffer->__space.__c, buffer->length); // heres the 'move'
// [---snipped---]
      /* Install new heap-based buffer.  */
  buffer->data = new_ptr;
  buffer->length = new_length;
  return true;

buffer->data is where we write into the scratch buffer - at least the origin, anyway.

From this we can understand that if we provide enough input - enough that we can progress the buffer->current to the buffer->end of the current buffer , we can trigger a new allocation with malloc(). This has some caveats though; if scanf() expects a number (like with our __isoc99_scanf("%zu...) it will only progress the buffer->current if it recieves a digit. You can read the source here here.

One thing I want to draw your attention to though, is this:

	while (1)
// [---snipped---]
	  if (ISDIGIT (c))
		  char_buffer_add (&charbuf, c);
		  got_digit = 1;
// [---snipped---]

What we have here, is what I assume to be the loop that goes through the values of each number, after the format string has been interpreted (but you can never be sure with libc code). As you can see, if our character is a digit, we add it to the buffer. Cool.

Now armed with this (somewhat useless) knowledge, we can go back and try writing to __free_hook again, but this time with at least 1024 bytes of digits in our buffer in order to allocate a chunk that will be free’d on exiting scanf() (via scratch_buffer_free()) And sure enough if we spam ‘0’s, we can call free() on our allocation and thus trigger __free_hook:


Now when we test in gdb:



Its worth noting that using any digit other than ‘0’ will (stating the obvious a bit here) cause the value to wrap around and become 0xffffffffffffffff. But leading with ‘0’s ensures that the value written is not changed (I got confused with this for a while lol).


Now that we have an RIP overwrite with a value we completely control AND a libc leak, the next logical step was finding an applicable one_gadget we can use. Running one_gadget on our libc provides 3 results. The one that works is:

0x448a3 execve("/bin/sh", rsp+0x30, environ)
  [rsp+0x30] == NULL

Now with that out of the way, things should be pretty EZ. Exploit is in the folder. HTP.